Monday, June 16, 2014

Bringing Nya Jane Home...

As I rocked Nya to sleep today for her nap, I was thinking about the past two and a half years and just needed to take a moment to recognize all those who we are grateful for.

When we started the adoption process so long ago, we had so many uncertainties: How will we afford it?  Where will we adopt from?  What kind of special needs will our child have?  What kind of emotional scars will our child be burdened with?  What are we getting ourselves into?  
What we did know was that adoption was Plan A for us…it was not the fall back option for us to have children.  We also knew that adoption stems from great loss and trauma…the many paths that children go through to become “adoptable” are littered with sadness.

But sitting here with our daughter in my lap, I am amazed at how the community of people around us have lifted up our family throughout our adoption.  And now that we are home, they continue to take such good care of us.  

To those beautiful people who have and will drop off meals, snacks, groceries, flowers, bottles of wine and coffee for us, and books and strawberries (her favorite food) for Nya- thank you.  To those who came out to the airport when we finally landed, just to get a glimpse of our new family member- thank you.  To those who tirelessly fundraised, and to those who donated (known and anonymous)- thank you.  To the friends (old and new) and family who furnished our daughter’s bedroom and provided all the things she needed at the baby showers- thank you.  To the friends and family who have filled our Facebook news feeds with encouragement, photos, love, prayers, and support- thank you.  To the Bethany Christian Services staff here and in Ghana who worked tirelessly to get our baby home- thank you.  To the foster mother who provided Nya with love and care for the first eleven months of her life until we could get there- thank you (you literally taught our daughter how to love and be loved).  To the strangers who smile at us and tell us our daughter is beautiful- thank you.  For the texts, phone calls, emails, and letters we have received- thank you.  To our family and friends who so patiently wait for Nya to be ready to socialize, but who remind us that if we need anything at all, they will be here at the drop of a hat- thank you.  To the other adoptive families who laughed, cried, prayed with, and encouraged us in Ghana and ever since- thank you.  To those families who went before us and beside us in adoption and paved the way so that our church would know how to love us through the crazy ride of adopting- thank you.  To those who prayed fervently for our family- thank you.  To my amazing husband who filled out forms, arranged paperwork, drove all over town to get everything in order, wrote for grants, and did everything in his power to get our daughter home- thank you and I love you…she would not be here with out her “Dada.”  And to a loving Holy Father who led us to adoption, tested our faith in Him, matched us with our daughter, and provided all the means to get her home- we are so grateful for this life and this family.      

To all of those mentioned above, we realize by your love for us that Nya will never, ever have to wonder where she belongs or if she is loved for who she is.  Thank you for embracing her and welcoming her home.  They say it takes a village to raise a child, and now I see why.  I am thankful for our village every, single day.