Tuesday, March 24, 2015

On Loss

If you had told me at any point in the last 30 years that I would be sitting next to my grandmother as she took her final breath, I would have told you that I don’t think my heart could handle it.  And for just a moment, I can still swear that my heart stopped right along with hers.  That day, exactly one month ago, was one I had dreaded for as long as my mind can recall; I could not imagine a world without that sweet woman in it.  In the days that followed, I grasped at anything that she had ever given me or written me and any photo that she was in, and I tried to fit it all into our already overstuffed fireproof safe.  I failed.  I cried.  No…I sobbed.  

Some people say, after they lose a loved one, that God must have needed another angel in heaven.  I see their sentiment, but I would politely disagree.  You see, God doesn’t need anything- everything is a gift from Him.  It’s us that need those kind souls that He places in our lives, be it for years, decades, or just a few moments.  For 93 years, He gave us one hell of a woman that I got to call Grandma, and I’m so grateful.  Because someone like that never really dies- their legacy lives on in our memories, and hopefully, in the people that we become. 

To my Grandma- you did well.  You lived a life to be proud of.  Thank you for the love.  Thank you for the memories.  Thank you for the example.  Thank you for sticking around to meet our daughter- she loved you instantly, as most people did.  You are thought of often, and with joy.  We miss you and we will love you always.

To my readers, my friends, thank you for your kindness during this difficult time.  Your kind words, encouragements, and prayers, along with the unwavering support of my husband, were my therapy.