Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Coconut Oil in all its Glory: Toothpaste, Deodorant, Sunscreen, Lotion, Body Scrub, and More

Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from mature coconuts.  It can be used in cooking to replace alternative oils, and is especially useful for people following raw vegan diets because of its low melting temperature.  However, I choose to use it as a body product.  Pure virgin organic coconut oil is my moisturizer of choice; I keep a small jar of it in my bathroom and put it on my legs and arms after I get out of the shower.  Be careful of overuse though as it takes a while to absorb and can get oil on clothes.  (If you get an oil stain on clothes, try rubbing chalk on the stain and leaving it for several minutes before rinsing.  Repeat until the stain is gone.)  Here are some of the amazing reasons that I love coconut oil:

-It is all natural- no artificial chemicals, additives, fragrances, or dyes that absorb into our bodies. 

-It is a natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-fungal- this natural ingredient packs a serious punch in cleaning and medicinal uses.  Many people swear by its ability to fight acne, lighten age spots, and help heal cuts and scrapes.  It can also be used to fight athlete’s foot, soothe psoriasis or eczema, treat yeast infections and UTIs, help diaper rash, cure cradle cap, and when mixed with apple cider vinegar, can be used as a natural treatment for lice.  Use it to treat a sunburn and poison ivy, reduce the itch from bug bites and chicken pox, and reduce the appearance of varicose veins.  Putting a small amount inside your nostrils can even help alleviate allergy symptoms.  Use it also for homemade vapor rub and diaper cream, to heal cold sores, to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, and for several other first aid and health remedies- just do your research.

-When ingested on a regular basis (don’t overdo it- it is still high in saturated fat, even though it is a healthy kind of fat) it is said to help boost brain function and alertness, which can help with Alzheimer's.  Melt it into tea to help recover faster from a cold or flu.  It provides natural energy and improves metabolism, supports healthy thyroid function, helps improve insulin levels, helps improve cholesterol ratios, and its anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis.  I can help heartburn, nausea, digestion, hormone production, and circulation. Some studies even show that it helps with weight loss, depression, and anxiety. 

-It is sustainably sourced.

You can buy organic virgin coconut oil in bulk at Costco for less than $20 and it will last you a very long time.

Here are some of the recipes that I use coconut oil for:


1/2 cup of coconut oil 
1/4 cup baking soda 
10 drops of peppermint extract

Mix ingredients and store in a resealable jar in a cool location


1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup corn starch
10 drops essential oil (choose from lavender, tea tree, lemon, etc)

Mix all ingredients and store in a resealable jar in a cool location.  Important note: this is not a good option for women (unless they do not shave their armpits). The first time I used this right out of the shower, it stung like crazy because I shave and underarm skin is sensitive.  This is a great recipe for men, but I use a store bought deodorant for myself.  But be your own judge.

Eye Make-up Remover
Melt a dab of coconut oil on your finger tips and gently rub over your lids and lashes.  Wipe away with a reusable, soft cloth that you do not mind getting dirty.

Conditioner (also mentioned in my Conditioner and Shaving Cream post) 

Slather a palmful of coconut oil on the ends of clean hair (avoid the roots so your hair doesn’t look oily after the treatment) and let sit for at least 10 minutes.  Rinse well.  This can make your hair look oily for a couple washes, so be prepared to repeat your shampoo or wear your hair up for a day.  

Lotion Bars

1 cup coconut oil
1 cup Shea butter, cocoa butter, or mango butter
1 cup beeswax
1 tsp vitamin E oil (optional)
25 (or more to desired fragrance) drops essential oil, whichever you prefer

Melt together all ingredients except essential oil and vitamin E oil until liquified.  You can use a double boiler, a glass pyrex in the microwave, or even a mason jar in a pan of simmering water to melt them.  Stir ingredients constantly until they are smooth.  Remove from the heat and add vitamin E oil and essential oils.  Stir until incorporated.  Pour into your molds of choice (muffin tin, silicon baking cups, soap milds, etc.) and allow to cool completely before popping out of the molds.  


1/2 cup almond or olive oil
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup beeswax
2 tbsp zinc oxide powder (I order this online)
10 drops essential oil of choice (use something that will not irritate your skin since this will most likely go on your face)

Note: wheat germ oil has a natural SPF of 20, carrot seed oil has a natural SPF of 30, and raspberry seed oil has a natural SPF of 30-50.  Feel free to add a tablespoon of these if you can find them and don’t mind spending the extra money.  You may want to add another tablespoon of beeswax if your mixture is too liquified from the additional oil.

Melt the oils (except essential oil) and beeswax together, stirring constantly to incorporate.  You can use a double boiler, a glass pyrex in the microwave, or even a mason jar in a pan of simmering water to melt them.  Once the ingredients are melted, add the zinc oxide powder, and stir to incorporate.  Remove from heat and add essential oil of choice.  Allow the mixture to cool, stirring a few times to make sure the ingredients stay well blended.  Store in a resealable jar in a cool location.  This recipe has an SPF of 20, but the more zinc oxide powder you add, the higher the SPF.  Just note that too much will leave a white paste on your skin.  Reapply after sweating and swimming, to be safe.  

Sugar Body Scrub

1 part coconut oil
1 part sugar

Mix well and store in a resealable jar in your shower.

I hope you are inspired to go out and get yourself some coconut oil.  I love that this one oil found in nature is capable of so much.  What are some of your coconut oil recipes or uses?  Thank you for reading about this mindful home.


  1. I don't have much to say, but your posts are very deserving of more comments than they are getting. I've enjoyed reading them. T & I are working on incorporating many of your ideas into our lives.

  2. Thank you Ryan- that means a lot to me that you guys read the blog :)

  3. What a useful post! I just bought some coconut oil last week and have been using it often in food preparation but now I have a whole new list of things to try! Thanks Katy!
