Saturday, May 16, 2015

Comforts of Home

What comes to mind when you think of the comforts of home? 

For some, it may be memories from childhood that they think of first.  For others, it may be what they most look forward to when they walk in their front door after a long day of work. 

For me, the comforts of home are a meal made from scratch (and the scent that floods from the kitchen), old music playing, fuzzy socks, a fireplace roaring, and sometimes a glass of wine or a mug of something warm to drink.  A candle burning.  Family photos on the wall.  A game of monopoly.  Opening a jar of home canned cherries from summer.  That big blanket I’ve had for decades. 

But even more, the comforts of home are not things.  They're the people we share that home with.  Laughing, dancing, playing, talking.  What defines “home” for you may be less about the four walls that surround you or the stuff you fill them with.  It doesn’t have to be about the money in your bank account or the newest and best of everything.  These comforts are not complicated, but rather, they tend to be the simplest things.

When I think of the home I want, I picture the atmosphere I hope to have.  One of functionality, yes, but more so of contentment.  A home that is inviting and cozy.  One that is always a pleasure to visit…not because of what is in it, but who is in it and how it makes you feel.  A home filled with laughter, love, and simple comforts that cannot be purchased from a store.  Comforts that take time to build and nourish, but that build you up and nourish you in return, right down in your soul.

On that note, I am announcing that we are moving!  We have been blessed in so many ways to be able to buy a home of our own.  It will be a bit of a downsize from our current 1200 square foot rental that we have loved so much over the past two and a half years, and we are so excited for that challenge.  So many memories built in this lovely space, and so many more to build in the next lovely space.  I am very grateful for these upcoming changes, and even more grateful for who I get to share them with.  

I will be sharing more details in the near future, but as for now, I will be taking a couple weeks off to focus on moving and unpacking our new house.  Thank you for reading.


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