Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Break

Hello Dear Readers,

On Tuesday of this week, my family suffered a deep loss with the passing of my Grandmother.  I will be taking the next several weeks away from blog-writing.

In the meantime, go tell those that you love just how much you love them and cherish your time together.  And don't forget to take lots of pictures.  These things, you will never regret.

Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

  1. my Grandma left this cold earth last summer. My life hasn't been the same since. I am feeilng even deeper conviction to seek God with my small, short life. To redeem the time. To love fully. This woman who taught me so much and loved so dearly has gone to celebrate the Lord for eternity. I feel stuck and truly left behind, but also energized to do good. It's been rough. It's been invigorating. It's been humanizing. I haven't always liked it. I feel and care for you in your loss. Love you, Katy. <3
