Saturday, February 7, 2015

When It Rains...

Hello friends.  Please excuse my absence these past couple weeks.  I’d love to be able to say that I’ve been off traveling or doing research for the blog or something really awesome, but the truth is, it’s been a hard couple of weeks for my extended family, and we have been doing our best to be present with them whenever possible.  I’d hate to bore you with details, because honestly, everyone has tough weeks, challenges, stresses, lack of time, and a whole array of hurdles to overcome.  That’s life, right?  But how we deal with these difficult times determines how we will get through them.  For us, we are just praying for opportunities to serve our family and each other.  Period.  No drive is too far, no favor too small (or large), and we are learning that just being present and showing love is sometimes the most powerful gift of all.  We all need it that kind of support.  And we can all give it.  

Wishing you a lovely week ahead, and thank you for reading.           

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