Friday, December 19, 2014


Since this will be the last post before Christmas, I would just like to wish everyone a very happy holiday.  I hope you are able to celebrate with loved ones, be it friends or family.  During this time of year, our family likes to remember that Saint Nicholas was a real man born in 270 AD who believed in selling what you have to give money to the needy, the poor, and the sick.  He was also known for secret gift giving, which is where our modern idea of Santa Claus originated.  Somewhere along the way, Christmas has become a very commercialized holiday.  Although it can be very hard to escape this type of thinking, especially if you have children, my hope is that we can focus on those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  It is not hard to find a cause to support at this time of year- there are many different organizations that need help, and you can choose something you are passionate about.  But also don’t forget that there may be people right around you that won’t have a warm meal or a small gift for their children on Christmas Day.  I would challenge you to reach out to them as well, and getting to see the smile on their face(s) will bring you as much, if not more joy than watching your loved one’s faces as they unwrap a gift on Christmas morning that they have been wanting all year long.   

May we also remember that December 25th was a very important day in history, when a baby was born in a manger who would grow up and give us the greatest gift of all.  Wishing you warmth, joy, and gratitude on Christmas Day, and every day.  Thanks for reading!


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