Friday, December 12, 2014


I would love to use this week’s post to talk about the community we live in.  So often, I think we forget about the awesome “freebies” that our neighborhoods have to offer, especially to children.  Recently, I was reminded of a few that I wanted to list here, and I would love some feedback if you know of any that I missed. 

Trader Joe’s has their “find the monkey” game always going for kiddos.  There is a stuffed monkey hidden somewhere in the store (different location each day) and if your kids see it, they can tell the cashier and they will get to choose a fun or healthy treat.  Also, the cashiers always have stickers on hand for the little ones.  I love TJ’s- I think they are a wonderful company and they take great care of their staff, suppliers, and customers…with a smile.

Whole Foods Market offers children one healthy treat as they are leaving the store.  I have seen oranges, apples, bananas, applesauce, and fruit juices, among other things.  I know that it doesn’t seem like much since their groceries can sometimes be expensive, but it’s all about appreciating the small generosities, right?  Plus, the staff is always so nice there too and I really value that!    
Bridgeport Village Outdoor Mall- when we took Nya there to get a picture with Santa, I didn’t even know how festive it was.  Retailers kept offering her candy canes (which she loved), and they have their huge Christmas tree all lit up. They also have these awesome star lights hanging up that twinkle overhead as you walk around and listen to the music that plays on their outdoor speakers.  Their fountain and fire are usually going, and they have an enclosed heated area around their outdoor seating so you can enjoy food from the kiosks without freezing.  They also have a great play area for kids.  Just walking around there was fun- Nya was having a little dance party out on the bricks under the twinkling star lights, and loving it!  The info center is also loaded with helium balloons that they tie to little rubber duckies for small children so they don't float away (the balloons, not the children), and a little train takes families around the grounds for $2 per person.  

Portland Children’s Museum offers free admission on the first Friday of every month starting at 4pm.  It gets a little busy, but that place is huge and awesome, and it was worth it to us to brave the crowds.  There is something for every age group to see, and there are plenty of quiet places to play and learn if you just look for them.  I highly recommend getting there a little before 4pm to get a parking spot and get in line.  

Tigard Library has lots of free programs and activities for children.  There are story times and crafts to take part in, and you can also check out cultural passes for free admission to local museums and gardens (so awesome).  Besides the obvious checking out books, music, and DVDs, it is also a great place to participate in donation drives and teach kids the importance of giving to those who are less fortunate.  Check out your local library too- you might be surprised by all it has to offer.

Home Depot offers free children’s workshops for all ages.  Kids can build little crafts with their parents’ help and they get a free certificate of completion and apron, plus the awesome learning experience.  Not to mention, there is probably an underlying confidence instilled in children when they are allowed to use “adult” tools to fix and create things.  

What are some things that you enjoy taking your children to?  How about fun and free local adult activities?  Thanks for reading!      

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