Saturday, December 27, 2014


This year I learned that sometimes the morning after Christmas can be just as enjoyable as Christmas morning itself, especially when “Dada” is home and Nya and I get to enjoy three whole days with him.  Our living room was filled with the sound of wooden train tracks being assembled, new art supplies being opened, one bouncy little girl on her trampoline, Peppa Pig’s Christmas DVD on the television, and lots of laughter.  The Christmas tree lights remained on, and leftovers were combined into a tasty breakfast skillet alongside good, hot coffee.   

The flurry of Christmas is over, and it was a very merry day filled with family, good food, and a very happy little toddler as she celebrated her first holiday season.  I hope your holiday was all that you hoped and more.  For the next week, we will be reorganizing our home, making lots of donations of clothes and toys, and celebrating my husband’s 30th birthday with a day at his favorite coastal town- a yearly tradition.  Notice, I did not say we would be taking down our Christmas tree yet…some things are just too pleasant to take down before you're done enjoying them; that task will have to wait until next week.  Wishing you lots of peace and rest, clarity and recovery, and joy and fulfillment as we prepare to enter the new year.  Thanks for reading.    


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