Friday, May 10, 2013

A Week's Work

It's almost garden planting season here in Oregon.  If I had property, I would plant a huge garden and orchard because that's what I grew up with and I have very fond memories of eating off our land.  What an accomplishment for anyone.  I also dream of keeping bees in the future, but that's a ways off.  However, we live in a condo and have a tiny balcony with very little space and it doesn't get much sun at all.  However, after talking to my downstairs neighbor, I found out that I am able to put pots in a community space and I can plant my garden there.  I can't wait to get started.  I went through the Oregon State Master Gardener program a few years ago and I haven't really had a chance to put my skills to the test in the ground.  But I am thankful to have the ability to plant in pots, which tend to be lower maintenance anyway- no weeding!  So on that note, I want to remind everyone that coffee shops typically save free coffee grounds for people to take for their gardens.  I got a couple bags at my local coffee shop, so take advantage- whether planting in pots or in the ground, coffee grounds are a great form of compost that is high in nitrogen and also contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium, among other minerals.  And they're free.

Speaking of free, someone shared with me about a website called where you can earn free points while getting educated about recycling, reducing, and reusing right at home and in your neighborhood.  These points can then be used to redeem great savings and coupons, as well as free magazine subscriptions.  I've already claimed year subscriptions to Real Simple and Martha Stewart Living, and I'm working on getting Country Living, Veranda, and Oprah magazines as well.  No strings attached- just getting educated and making better choices on a daily basis.  I love this idea!!

Lastly, the warm weather has finally arrived in Oregon, and my household is taking advantage by completely turning off our central air.  We have very high ceilings in our home, which has cost a lot of money to heat.  We have cut our electric bill in half since we moved in by keeping our heat on 62 degrees and just bundling up (a savings of $90 a month!), and now that it's warm outside, it will be significantly lower.  When it gets too warm, we open all of the windows and get a great cross breeze going.  And there's no place more beautiful in the summer than Oregon...but I might be a little biased...

Thanks for reading about our mindful home.


  1. Love the tip. I will check it out! We are putting Sophie in a preschool this fall that has a little garden that the kiddos learn in, and they compost in the classroom, and they talk about recycling and good uses of resources. It's too exciting! It is also motivating me to plant out our raised beds this season. I'm balancing it off of what I'm guessing we'll get through our CSA.

    I love your enthusiasm! Excellent post.

  2. That is so exciting about the preschool for Sophie. We do the same thing at the school that I teach at, and the kids love it, and they learn so much. That's awesome that you guys are in a CSA- I think they're such valuable causes!
