Friday, May 10, 2013

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

As I was thinking of starting a blog, my husband watched me silently pine over what I should call it for a day or so before I came up with This Mindful Home.  He asked my why I chose it, and I thought it would be an appropriate first entry to answer that question, and to let readers know a little more about what I would like to accomplish through in this blog.

The dictionary definition of "mindful" is attentive, aware, or careful. Synonyms include conscientious, observant, knowledgeable, respectful, and watchful.  When I write about things in this blog, and just as a general rule in life, I truly hope to be all of these things toward other living beings and toward the environment.  I believe it is possible to live in such a way that is considerate of others, even if it takes a little more effort sometimes. After all, we are all in this thing together. 

This is why I choose to be vegan, and make things from scratch, and shop for old rather than new.  Its why I recycle and reuse, and budget to save resources that someone else may benefit from, and consider what I bring into my household and feed my to family.  Don't let my actions fool you though- I am choosing a quality of life that may seem to be lacking in some areas (like meat and money and new things), but in reality, I choose to focus on what really matters to me: my family and their well being, and that of those around us, for years and years to come.  

I certainly don't claim to know everything, and I draw a lot of inspiration from others.  Some people call me a hippie and think I live in a tree and eat tofu and sing campfire songs.  And that's fine for them to think because we all get a good laugh from it.  I certainly don't take myself too seriously.  But it is those people who come to our home and share a meal with us, and realize there just might be something to this lifestyle.  And it brings me joy to see the look on thier faces as they step into our different and sometimes unexpected little world where everything has a story, and where we are intentional in our actions and decisions.  Those are some of the people who encouraged me to write this blog.  Thank you for reading.

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