Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beyond the Kitchen

Keeping a mindful home extends far beyond the foods we eat and how we shop.  It also involves the products we use, the clothes we wear, how we clean our home, and what we put our money toward.  Have you ever heard the saying "put your money where your mouth is"?  We have hundreds of opportunities each day to choose to support companies, people, and causes, and it can be both empowering and disheartening.  Sometimes, don't you just want to buy a certain product and not have to worry about how it was made or what chemicals it contains?  Me too.  That's why I choose to make most of our toiletries and cleaning products.  This is another area that seems to interest a lot of people, so I thought I would share my recipes.  But be aware that I am not a licensed naturopath or asthetician. I find what works for me based on research and trying things out.  Luckily, the ingredients are so natural that you should not have a problem unless you have an allergy, so just be mindful of that.  However, if you stick with some of these ideas, I bet you'll never go back to buying them pre-made.  Plus, the difference in cost for the quality is absolutely's a win-win.    

I am going to start a small series of blog posts that explain how to make toiletries including shampoo, deep conditioner, hairspray, hair gel, toothpaste, make-up remover, facial cleanser, whipped body butter, body scrub, sunscreen, and more.  Some of these recipes may sound like they wouldn't work, but give them a chance and you'll be surprised.  And all of them are easier to make than you might think.  I am also going to share recipes for a variety cleaning products and laundry detergent.  I look forward to the next series of posts, and thank you for reading about our mindful home.  

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