Wednesday, May 29, 2013


What a busy couple of weeks it has been- I'm sorry for the delay on the posts.  It's still pretty hectic on the home front, so I thought it would be fitting to start the "Beyond the Kitchen" series with an easy and quick recipe that only takes about fifteen minutes: hairspray. Random, right?  But think of how much you spend on hairspray in your household- at the very least, it's a dollar for a little bottle of sticky spray that claims to bring you long lasting body, but really just tangles your lovely locks.  I can't speak for you, but I'd rather have something that costs pennies, smells wonderful, and holds curl, but rinses out in the shower without leaving your hair feeling like straw.  Here's my recipe- and you really are reading it right- it's THAT easy.

Bring about 6 cups of water to a boil (more or less depending on the size of the bottle(s) you're storing it in).  Once boiling, add 1/2 cup sugar (more or less depending on how firmly you want your spray to hold).  Stir until the sugar is dissolved.  Remove the mixture from the heat, let it cool a bit so you don't burn yourself when pouring it into your spray bottle(s), and add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.  I use homemade lavender oil and it smells great.  But choose whatever you prefer, stir it in, and pour the finished product into your bottles.  Done and done.  Side note- if you get through the process and find that the spray is still not strong enough, just re-boil it and add more sugar.

As you can see, my recipe is pretty flexible so you can customize it to your liking.  Not to mention, it is aerosol and chemical free...if a hummingbird can eat it, it sure won't hurt you either. I hope you enjoy your new hairspray, and thanks for reading about this mindful home.

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